Bahan alloy, stainless steel, atau galvanis langsung disemprot cat? Catnya gak akan merekat dengan sempurna loh! Sebelumnya, yuk kenalan sama setting Spray gun untuk hasil yang bagus dan sempurna.

Bahan alloy, stainless steel, atau galvanis langsung disemprot cat? Catnya gak akan merekat dengan sempurna loh! Sebelumnya, yuk kenalan sama setting Spray gun untuk hasil yang bagus dan sempurna.

Kalian sudah familiar kan dengan spray gun? Spray gun merupakan alat semprot cat, dimana untuk untuk menggunakan alat ini dibutuhkan setting spray gun yang tepat. Apa yang dimaksud dengan setting spray gun? Ini merupakan proses mengatur spray gun untuk mencapai hasil pengecatan yang optimal pada mobil. Terdapat beberapa jenis setting atau pengaturan pada spray gun, masing-masing memiliki manfaat yang berbeda.

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Belkote Supports the Eleventh Annual BBQ Ride Unstoppable 2024

Belkote Supports the Eleventh Annual BBQ Ride Unstoppable 2024

Belkote Paints is back to show support for the world of Indonesian custom culture by actively participating in the eleventh annual BBQ Ride Unstoppable 2024 event. This year's BBQ Ride event was held at Laswi Heritage, Jl. Sukabumi, Bandung, on 8 – 9 June 2024, and will become a gathering point for cultural custom activists from various regions in Indonesia.

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The JDM Funday event at the Mandalika Circuit, Belkote also supports the automotive industry

The JDM Funday event at the Mandalika Circuit, Belkote also supports the automotive industry

JDM Funday, which was held from April 28 to May 1 2024, received very high enthusiasm from the eyes of Indonesian automotive fans. In fact, the number of participants who attended was 85 cars. Seeing this extraordinary enthusiasm, domestic automotive paint manufacturer Belkote Indonesia is also supporting the JDM Funday 2024 event, as part of its commitment to advancing the automotive community in Indonesia.

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Belkote is a mainstay at the international event The Wicked Wallop 9th Edition Singapore

Belkote is a mainstay at the international event The Wicked Wallop 9th Edition Singapore

After previously winning various awards at the Art of Speed Malaysia event on 29-30 July 2023, Indonesian custom painters through a program entitled Collaborapaint again appeared at the international event The Wicked Wallop 9th Edition Singapore. The event, which will be held on 6 – 7 January 2024 at the Rooftop Carros Centre, Singapore, is one of the most prestigious cultural custom platforms in Singapore and Southeast Asia.

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