Published 27 March 2024
Do you know what solvent pop is or what painters in Indonesia usually call popping?
Hello Belkote friends!
On a newly painted car, the bubbles that appear are caused by solvent popping. Solvent pop or what painters in Indonesia usually call popping is better known as the trapping of solvent in the paint layer itself or a kind of blister with a top of up to 1 mm in diameter on the surface of the last applied paint film.

Why do these bubbles appear on the car paint layer?
This is caused by incorrect painting techniques, usually because the spray gun filter is dirty or because the air from the compressor contains a lot of water. Apart from that, solvent popping can also be caused by many factors, such as improper mixing of materials, insufficient drying time, and application of incompatible coating layers. Other causes of solvent pop or popping include using a hardener or reducer too quickly, excessive film layers, and finally, insufficient breaks between layers. Now the pause between layers is usually the debut flash off. Usually these bubbles in the paint occur on cars that have just been painted or on cars that are old.

How to know the right flash off?
- Poor quality or running out too quickly.
- Excessive film thickness, or insufficient drying time between layers.
- Compressed air pressure is too low.
- The drying temperature is too high, the heat source is too close to the film, it is too hot, or it is applied too quickly.
- The correct and ideal flash off altar layer indicator is spider web. The spider web itself, when we put our finger on the clear coat after application, threads look like spider webs. What is visible to the naked eye does not indicate preparation for the next layer.

Prevention methods
In general, what is done to overcome this painting error is to use a polishing technique. Beloke technology is no longer in doubt. For clear coats that have the right flash off from Belkote products, namely Belkote 6300 which has excellent dry and hard speed. Has a faster flash off delay than HS clear coat in general. Karana Belkote 6300 itself is a solid hybrid clear coat when curing.